Below is a listing of all Footy App's features for
(1) Players - (2) Coaches - (3) Directors - (4) Private Trainers
"By far the most thorough training platform in the market.
Nothing can compare.
dANI De olivieri
Venezuela Elite FIFA Coaching Instructor
Footy 'Train' Module: Technical Training
Career Mode
410 Sessions
Ages 8-17+
Small-Space Individual technical training. Full curriculum is provided for mastery of fundamental skills with the following training progression:
(1) Basic Execution (2) Acceleration (3) Vision (4) Non-Dominant (5) Top Speed
Functional Program
120 Sessions
Ages 13-21+
A curriculum of full-length position-specific sessions (GK, CB, OB, CM, WP, FWD) are provided by training categories. The following progression was used: (1) Technical proficiency of all game situations (2) execution with non-dominant foot (3) reactive decision-making reviewing each tactical application
Featured Sessions
50 Sessions
All Ages
Short 20min Professional Private Sessions. New sessions are posted each day on schedule to join and cycle through each season. They are directed by Aaron Byrd, a professional private trainer, of 500+ National Team and Professional players.
Learn Program
50+ Skills
All Ages
Practice a variety of individual techniques showcased by professionals. Skills include Freestyle, 1v1 skills and ball-striking. Each technique is given its example along with step-by-step instructional videos.
Testing Program (Technical)
7 Technical Groupings
All Ages
Set personal high scores on individual exercise grouping. There are 7 technical groupings including: Footskills, 1v1 Penetration, 1v1 Escape, Passing Receiving, Shooting and Juggling. Players submitted scores will adjust their user profile ratings in the specific skill-set trained.
Private Trainers (Technical)
20 Sessions
Ages 13-21+
On-Demand Private Training Sessions. Players have the ability to browse through and complete short, guided training sessions directed by a variety of private trainers. Users can train such sessions repeatedly as often as they want. Sessions will expand to training product exercises.
6 Different Programs
600 Sessions
Length: A User's Career
All Ages
The 'Training' Module provides users with a variety of training type and comprehensive curriculum to last a player's career (Ages 8-21+). Through each stage of a player's career they can use a combination of programs to suite their developmental needs.
Footy 'Challenge' Module: Social Challenges
1v1 Private Challenge
3 Types
Ages 8-17+
Private 1v1 Challenges allow user's to challenge teammates before or after training. Results reflect user's profile win-loss record.
1v1 Public Challenge
3 Types
Ages 13-21+
Public Challenges allow users to video challenge any other Footy App user. Both players submit their skills video and each are seen side-by-side for 48 hours of voting. Match results reflect the user's profile win-loss record.
# Skill of the Day
Ages 8-17+
Organization-wide skills challenges. This is an interactive training program that allows the organization to post their #skilloftheday for users to submit their video as well.
As an example: Older players can demonstrate and post exercises for junior ages to practice and post themselves.
News Feed
By Friending
Ages 12-21+
Social Media display of users posted content. Users only view content of those of which they are friends and/or teammates including #hashtags, Video Challenges, 1v1 Results and Motivational Quotes.
Footy 'Pro' Module: Physical Programs
Footy Physical Programs
218 Programs
Ages 14-21+
The Footy App provides physical training programs ranging from 4-12 week lengths with a selection of 1-4 training days per week of session and ROEs. types: Strength, Conditioning and SPA. Programs are perfect to assign to High School aged players looking to stay fit during the off-season.
Coach Customized Programs
Ages 13-21+
Coaches can create their own specific physical programs and tag specific players to complete. Training Session Types include: Standard, GPS by Time, GPS by Distance, Sets-Reps, and Featured Sessions.
Strength Sessions
15 Sessions
Ages 14-21+
Full Length sessions geared to improve strength in different body areas: Lower, Upper, Core and Full Body. Equipment used varies but is limited mostly to body-weight exercises for younger athletes not needing to lift heavy weight
Conditioning Sessions
5 Sessions
Ages 13-21+
Conditioning exercises include shuttles and sprints with a variety of distances and recovery times.
Speed & Agility Sessions
10 Sessions
Ages 12-21+
Speed and Agility sessions are contributed by Florida State University's Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for Women's Soccer.
Injury Prevention Sessions
10 Exercises
Ages 12-21+
Injury Prevention exercises for ACL stabilization are contributed by Florida State University's Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for Women's Soccer.
GPS Training
2 Training Types
Ages 12-21+
GPS feature is used for players to utilize for runs by time or distance.
Testing Program (Physical)
4 Categories
Ages 13-21+
Set personal high scores on individual exercise grouping. There are 4 physical groupings including: Strength, Conditioning, Speed and Agility. Scores are given based on the age and gender of the user's submitted score, and such scores reflect the user's profile ratings.
Private Trainers (Physical)
Ages 14-21+
On-Demand Private Training Sessions. Players have the ability to browse through and complete short, guided training sessions directed by a variety of private trainers. Users can train such sessions repeatedly as often as they want. Sessions will expand to training product exercises.
Load-Specific Sessions
3 Training Loads
Ages 14-21+
These physical training sessions are sorted by Low, Moderate and High training sessions depending on the required load. This allows users to train anywhere from recovery day to high intensity fitness days.
4-8+ Years
Ages 14-21+
There is enough curriculum within Programs, Individual Sessions and Testing to utilize in each periodization segment (In-Season, Off-Season, etc.) to last every year of High School and College.
Footy 'Pro' Module: Performance Programs
Video Analysis
Ages 10-21+
Establish a database of educational video resources for your players. Post videos to best demonstrate techniques and tactical application. Videos can be posted as 'Team' or 'Pro' clips and tagged by Age, Position and Specific Players. The Video Analysis program can be used for Preseason Principles, Pregame Scouting Reports, Postgame Review and Age-Group Expectations.
Team Resources
8 Categories
3 Formats
Ages 13-21+
Coaches can upload to their players resource material for differentiated instruction and planning. Resources tagged to players can be of Assignments, Presentations, Preseason Material, Sessions, Pregame, Postgame, Off-Season and More. Format of content can be Text, .pdf, .ppt, Audio Files, Images and Video.
Individual Development Plans
50 Sessions
All Ages
IDPs are player-driven evaluation plans to help guide player development through the season. At the beginning of each season (Fall, Winter, Spring and Off-Season) players complete their IDP form for technical, tactical, physical and mental improvement areas. The player and coach can then submit their ratings of each measure in the IDP Report to evaluation development.
College Prep
50+ Skills
Ages 14-18
The College Prep Program guides a player through the recruiting process while giving their coach and directors oversight to all progress. Players have access to College Placement Resources, a Program Directory of every college program (and email addresses), and a Checklist of personal School Ratings and a Timeline of Recruitment Steps.
Footy 'Pro' Module: Educational Resources
Sports Pyschology
Ages 13-17+
Educational resources of various topics within the field of Sports Psychology including Attitude, Mental Skills Training, Mental Toughness, Mental Skills, Attitude and Preparation. Resources can be uploaded by programs in Document, Video and Audio formatting.
Ages 13-17+
Motivational Quote Images shared by successful soccer community to inspire best practices of performance. Such content can be customized by programs.
Ages 13-17+
Educational resources of various topics within the field of Leadership including (1) what forms leaders, (2) Types of Leaders (3) Qualities of Leaders (4) Leadership Moments and (5) Leadership Assessment. Resources can be uploaded by programs in Document, Video and Audio formatting.
Ages 13-17+
Educational resources of various topics within the field of Nutrition including Timing, Calorie Count, Glycogen, Stimulants, Hydration, Body Composition, Eating Well, Nutrients and Tips. Resources can be uploaded by programs in Document, Video and Audio formatting.
Ages 13-17+
Educational resources of various topics within the field of Sleep including its importance and best practices. Resources can be uploaded by programs in Document, Video and Audio formatting.
Admin Tools
Methodology Database
Program Directors can pass down Methodology to their coaches in areas of Curriculum, Periodization, Best Practices, etc.
Sample Coaching Sessions
Program Directors can pass down Sample Coaching Sessions to their coaches by age-group (U5-U17). These sessions can be uploaded in the format of .PDF, Images and Videos.
Manager's Resource Hub
Program Directors can pass down Managerial Information to their staff to create a resource directory. Such material can be uploaded in the format of .PDF, Images and Videos.
Content Customization
Directors and Admin have access to content customization and uploading of educational resources, physical programs, featured sessions and evaluations
Organization Branding
Program admin have access to changing 'Train' module images (as part of Sustainability Rewards Program) and the branding of uploaded resources.
Coaching Tools
Player Tracking
Data Analytics Tracking System. Coaches can create events (Practices, Games) and add their Key Performance Indicators for each player accordingly. Graphical Analysis can be applied to Attendance, Performance and Workrate.
Player Evaluations
This coaching tool is not visible to players and parents. Coaches have the ability to assess players by customized player evaluations. Recommended Evaluations include (1) by position (2) by game (3) by season and (4) performance pillars
Team Evaluations
This coaching tool is not visible to players and parents. Coaches have the ability to assess their team by customized team evaluations. Recommended Evaluations include (1) Age-Directed Expectations (2) by Game (3) by Season and (4) Performance Pillars
Player Oversight
Coaches receive Footy App accounts that are synced to their players. They have oversight features connected to the (1) Individual Development Plan and (2) College Prep Program. This will help coaches address IDP discussions with their players and help them progress through the college recruitment process.
Customized Fitness Program
Coaches can customize their own fitness program and tag specific players. The program can range in length, sessions per week and type. This is the perfect way to assign off-season training programs to specific players. We recommend passing on your curriculum to the Footy Staff and we will upload your program on your behalf.
Post to Player Notes to Profile
Coaches can give feedback (from games and sessions) to players directly into their user profile. This allows for further motivation and reassurance, as well as another form of reach. We encourage coaches to use this platform only for positive feedback.
Note: This feature is private and not visible to any other players.
Private Coaching Notes
Accumulate your own notes on players for any practices and games as a season progresses. This will allow coaches to have a full record on players heading into tryouts and new IDP programs.
Note: This feature is private and not visible to any players.
Assignments (In/Off-Season)
Assign weekly at-home training homework while In-Season or full off-season programs during break. Keep players accountable and with access to extra training opportunities away from team training.
Upload Team Resources
​Team Resources can certainly enhance planning and overall player development. Establish a weekly routine of posting Sessions, Pregame Planning, Postgame Analysis, Preseason and more. Utilize this feature to set clear expectations of your program.
Video Analysis Database
Upload video resources for your players. This feature could be used as a (1) Video Database (2) Pregame Scouting Report (3) Post Game Analysis and (4) Individual Clips. This tool allows for tagging specific players, positions, ages and situation.
User Profile Features
Point System (Training Time)
Earn points for every minute of training. Players can compete via training times with Leaderboard and Starting XI's
FIFA-Styled Rating System
Increase your ratings with your training. Built into our code involves complex Categorization aligning a rating system to each exercise completed. Testing scores directly reflect the user profile's rating.
User's Win-Loss Records
1v1 Social Challenge Results (Private and Public) accumulate into a user profile's win-loss record. This includes total wins and points per game.
Player Notes
Player Notes from sessions and games provided by coaches and staff are seen by the user (privately) in this section. Player notes game include assessment (Performance) and recommendations (Sleep, Nutrition, Sports Psychology)
Instagram Inspired Pictures
Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.
Training Calendar
Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.
Private Trainer Tools
Post Sessions & Exercises
Private Trainers have administrative access to posting their own content, sessions and exercises for all of their players to view. Sessions can be posted as scheduled 'Featured' Sessions or On-Demand.
Admin Access to Users
Private Training received administrative access to Add Users, Manage their Accounts, and Track Usage.